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on a testé la Balory Verte

Compte rendu

We started off as 8 on the 30km circuit of the Balory Verte organized by the club Cyclo Verdyonisien Cessonnais. Well, we were 8 derailleurs but more than 500 people participated, although we didn't see many of them since in true derailleur style we started at 10h and were almost the last to go. So we started as 8 but quickly lost Freddo, thd rest of us just couldn't keep up with him! It was a beautiful warm sunny day, the ground was exceptionally dry for this time of year, really perfect conditions. The first 10km or so, we followed bike paths through villages and crossed a few fields, but about at the 10km mark we entered the forest and things got more interesting. The last 10km was really great, lots of twisty-turny-upsy-downsy singles. By the time we made it back to the start they had run out of sandwiches, but they gave us extra crips and ham, so we enjoyed that sitting in the sun and everyone left for home in a great mood.

Infos pratiques

Nombre de participants :
8 personne(s)
Distance parcourue :
33 Km
Dénivelé positif :
300 m

Ressources liées

Activité La Balory Verte



Le compte rendu a été rédigé par Nicky !!!

mer, 20/02/2019 - 20:45 Permalien

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